DFY Sales Suite Review: Is Saviour Erim a Scam?

Well, it’s launch day for yet another done-for-you program sold on WarriorPlus: DFY Sales Suite by vendor Saviour Erim. It promises to help you ‘close multiple high ticket deals on autopilot without sounding desperate.’ Is sales your thing? Are you interested in getting into anything salesperson related? If so, stick around for this review because this software is designed to massively help those whose mission it is to make money by selling high ticket and low ticket offers to clients through persuasive marketing methods.

What is DFY Sales Suite?

DFY Sales Suite is a digital product containing a high volume and variety of done-for-you sales scripts in over 50 niches, all optimised for maximum conversions. The idea is that you can use these scripts and pitches to get clients interested in your offers and close high ticket deals. It’s a serious skill and I must say, it was never quite my thing even though I was once offered a job in sales. Essentially, the software is there to make selling a lot easier for you. Selling involves not only convincing people to buy something but also handling objections and doing follow ups with those who say ‘I’ll think about it,’ or ‘not now’ or ‘I’ll discus it with my partner’ etc.

DFY Sales Suite is designed to be used for WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Emails and Cold Calls. It says you can licence someone else’s product instead of making your own and run automated campaigns using the DFY Sales Suite system.

It also says that you don’t need to be experienced in sales, marketing or have technical skills which to me seems quite a stretch but anyway, that’s the gist of DFY Sales Suite.

Who is the creator?

A Nigerian guy with the name Saviour Erim is the creator of DFY Sales Suite. I looked him up and found a profile of him on WarriorPlus. He has no previous products so this one must be his first launch.

His profile says he is a Techpreneur and a digital content creator. I guess I found that a bit vague.

But I also found a LinkedIn profile of Saviour Erim and it’s the same person. On the LinkedIn profile it says he attended the University of Calabar, Nigeria and that he is an Email Marketing System Developer, Digital Marketing Specialist and Sales Funnel Designer.

He has 1 positive recommendation/review on his LinkedIn profile.

I believe he must have been in sales at some point which would explain how he has put together a software that helps people open and close deals, handle objections and do all those things people do who specialise in sales.

What’s Inside DFY Sales Suite?

Inside the software you get what’s called ‘a profitable sales suite library.’

The library is said to contain the following:

  • Cold Call Scripts
  • Follow-up Scripts
  • Meeting Scripts
  • Objection Responses
  • Interactive Sales Scripts
  • Email Opening and Closing Scripts
  • Qualifying Sales Prospects
  • How to Structure Sales Presentation
  • Cold Prospecting
  • Cross Selling
  • LinkedIn Prospecting
  • Sales Closing Scripts
  • Multiple Sales Simulator App
  • Building Rapport
  • Replacing Your Competitors Without Sounding Desperate or Evil
  • Building Authority in Any Niche

This seems to be a combination of Scripts and lessons. How effective they really are can’t be known for sure but there were some early bird members who gave positive testimonials. But they are questionable as I’ll explain further on.

Video About DFY Sales Suite:

Who is DFY Sales Suite for?

It seems to be aimed at anyone who is looking for an opportunity to make money with the help of a DFY system.

But really, it is probably only suitable for those who already have skill and experience in sales.

However, Saviour Erim lists 20 business niches that his software is designed for. Some of these are very broad and generic in my opinion. For example, Affiliate Marketing, SEO Services and MLM. But Inbound Marketing Solutions and Financial Advisory Services seem a bit better targeted for what he’s offering.

How much does DFY Sales Suite cost?

You can get this product for $9 (with possible upsells). Some random free bonuses are offered as well. He also says the original price was $37 and that he is limiting the product to the first 50 people. But that’s clearly just marketing tactics, most likely without a shred of truth to them.

A point I’d like to make here about DFY systems sold on places like WarriorPlus for front end prices of $9 or thereabouts is that the do contain value BUT only $9 worth!! A product worth about $9 isn’t going to make everything super easy and earn you bucket loads of extra cash in no time.

It’s simply unrealistic to believe the things you see and hear on sales pages for done-for-you systems on places like WarriorPlus, Clickbank, JvZoo and Digistore24. I’ll explain the problems and red flags I saw with DFY Sales Suite simply from analysing the sales page alone and seeing familiar marketing tactics that are typical of your average get-rich-quick scams.

If your being told about a system that helps make you a lot of money easily, in a short time and in an automated way etc. just don’t believe it. Get real. Sorry, but the very high probability if you see this kind of thing is that you’d be much wiser just to forget about it. This comes from my close to 7 years of internet marketing experience.

Is DFY Sales Suite a scam?

I’m afraid it’s always better to be on the skeptical side whenever you come across flashy offers promising to be the solution to your financial worries and a means to make big money fast.

So what about DFY Sales Suite? I’ll show you the problems I identified from the sales page that will let you see the misleading aspect involved but to answer the question of whether it’s an actual scam, I would say no, not technically. This is because, for $9 you will probably get something of value, but most likely nothing like the kind of success you’re led to believe you’ll get with this software.

4 Red Flags I discovered with DFY Sales Suite:

Like almost every product sold through WarriorPlus, this one had many of the usual issues when I examined it.

Okay, let’s focus again on the sales page because I want to identify some common red flags that I see in programs like this:

  • Red Flag #1: Fake scarcity. At the top right of the sales page you’ll see a timer. You are urged to purchase the product before the timer ‘his zero.’ This is just a pressure tactic to get you to buy as soon as possible. It makes you worried that you might miss out if you don’t hurry up and pay up. It also tells you that only 5 copies are left. But it’s a digital product and it makes no sense whatsoever to make a digital product and only sell it to a handful of people. Further down the page, it says the limit of people who will be allowed to buy the product is 50. Again, that makes no sense. If you make something, then the more you sell, the more money you make. This fake scarcity is there simply to make MORE sales, more money
  • Red Flag #2: No relevant skills or knowledge needed. To make money, you do need to have and develop certain skills. You need marketing skills for example. If you’re in some kind of sales department, you’ll need some basic sales skills and experience otherwise, you won’t just start making money after buying a cheap program. But appealing to people’s lazy nature when it comes to putting in honest effort to make money is a common tactic that vendors of MMO products use. If you have no skills in marketing or sales, then this software isn’t going to make you rich. Come on, it’s a bundle of scripts and lessons for $9. If you’re not trained, and don’t have any credentials, you won’t get anywhere.
  • Red Flag #3: Exaggerated claims. Most if not all DFY systems feature wildely exaggerated claims about the money you can make and how easily it can be done with their unique system. In the case of DFY Sales Suite, we’re told the following: ‘DFY SALES SUITE is a classical World’s First Evergreen, 7-figure Done-For-You Sales Suite System that generates premium Tier1 paying clients, and helps you Close Any Sale Effortlessly With These 7Figure DoneForYou Sales Opening, Closing, & Irresistible Objection Handling Scripts For Both High Ticket And Low Ticket Offers Without Sounding Desperate.’ There’s no way a $9 product can deliver these kinds of results. Chances are no one has even tested it yet. So how do we know it does all these incredible things for us? This is another common tactic. Shiny object waving.
  • Red Flag #4: Fake testimonials. I’ve identified fake testimonials several times. In most cases they are hired actors from Fiverr.com. Anyway, in the case of DFY Sales Suite, there are four smiling, generic people with random names giving glowing and unrealistic testimonials. But I noticed that the vendor didn’t even bother to make all four of them sound unique. Two of them say EXACTLY the same thing and quote an exact figure when stating how much money they made and how. The testimonials are made up and copy and pasted – fake! Here’s what they BOTH say: Jhone Moor: “I have never seen a system like this throughout my years of marketing, in 15minutes buddy, I closed a dal worth $4,289 for my webinar…Beriya Smith: “I have never seen a system like this throughout my years of marketing, in 15minutes buddy, I closed a dal worth $4,289 for my webinar…‘ Also, two out of four of these people have the generic surname Smith. It’s just dishonest marketing.

Positive aspects of DFY Sales Suite

While I don’t thing this product is worth much, it could be useful to some extent for the right kind of person.

I believe Saviour Erim does have many skills and is able to share some of these and his knowledge with people through his software.

Negative aspects of DFY Sales Suite

I’ve already listed these under the 4 red flags heading. Honestly, I don’t promote products that I consider to be very misleading and low quality. Is it misleading? Yes, I think so. Is it low quality? Well it’s $9 and I don’t believe for a moment any of the hype and money claims it makes on the sales page, including the “testimonials.”

A more serious product that helps with this kind of thing is Inbound Closer, but even that isn’t what I’d consider ideal as you can read for yourself if it interests you.

Concluding thoughts

You’re more than free to try out DFY Sales Suite for yourself. But I’ve thought it fair to warn you in this review that it probably won’t be all it’s cracked up to be on the sales page.

If it’s a make money online opportunity you’re looking for, I refer you to my top recommendation which is Wealthy Affiliate. But you’d better be prepared to learn properly and put in real work because this platform is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. Instead it is honest with you and tells you the truth about what you need to do to succeed online with affiliate marketing.

It also provides EVERYTHING you need from high level training on building a lucrative website in any niche you chose, to all the resources, expert support and warm network of fellow members.

To try things out for yourself and test drive the program for yourself, you can start a free membership today if you like, with zero risk and no credit card required.

Free Starter Membership with Wealthy Affiliate >>

Wishing you the best on your business journey.

Leave a comment below if you have anything to share or questions to ask.

Other resources:

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