Cashpoint ATM System Review (2023): Red Flags I Discovered

I was skeptical about Cashpoint ATM System from the get go and that’s for many reasons. The claims were pretty crazy. We’re talking about a system that’s supposed to be able to make you $200 to $500 a day!! I did used to believe in push button systems but I’ve come a long way since then. So let’s unpack Cashpoint ATM System and see if there is anything positive or useful about it for your online search to make money using a device and internet connection.

What is Cashpoint ATM System?

They’re actually on the vague side on the intro/sales video for this program but basically they say it’s possible to make huge money from preexisting websites that are getting tons of traffic. How? By copying these sites.

It also says that the system will be able to drive traffic to your site which will itself be a copy of other sites, even though driving traffic to a website is a difficult and complicated process.

I neither believe that copying other sites will go anywhere in reality, nor do I believe that buying a program will mean I get targeted traffic on a consistent basis just like that.

They make the process of making money online sound so simple and easy that everyone who isn’t making money online is either terribly ignorant or some kind of idiot.

Well let me tell you that it’s NOT easy to make money online.

Can you find a simple process? Yes. You can find a simple, straightforward process to make money, such as affiliate marketing, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to make money.

You need to learn marketing. You need to stop thinking that making money online means some kind of cop out from doing work. It’s not that at all. But that’s what you’ll hear all the time from creators of products like Cashpoint ATM System.

My Rating for Cashpoint ATM System: 0 out of 5 Stars!

We’d All Love an Easy Way to Get Rich

Don’t you get tired of them? All those programs out there that tell you how much money you can make by investing in a DFY system? Usually it’s really cheap. On the front end that is. Then you tend to get hit by many upsells on the back end. I’ve been there guys. So you don’t have to keep going there. These programs are all crap. Telling you that you can make hundreds of dollars per day by using a push button, copy and paste system is emotional marketing. That’s all it is. If these digital money machines really existed they wouldn’t cost a few dollars and if that is all they cost, well, everyone would be using these systems. We’d all be rich by next weekend. Don’t believe it.

You need marketing skills and you need traffic if you want to make money. That’s it. But without these, you won’t make money. It’s that simple. Your marketing skills can be used to generate your own traffic, whether that be paid traffic or organic traffic. For example, a skilled marketer knows how to run ads that convert, ads that bring in profit, at least most of the time. Or they use their skills to create high quality content that ranks on Google, Bing and Yahoo or YouTube if they are doing videos. But a complete beginner who tries to run ads will fail and waste their money. It’s almost guaranteed. And if they try to create content online, chances are it’ll suck. Worse, it won’t rank.

The spokesperson in the sales video for Cash Point ATM System talks about copying websites that are doing well. But you can be certain that this is not a legit system. This is NOT going to make you money on autopilot.

Such copied websites won’t rank.

Reminds me of Passive Profits Pages, a system that uses duplicate content.

Best case scenario is you gamble your money on something like solo ads to get traffic to your dodgy site, which by the way are about the worst quality traffic on the internet, hands down. Trust me. I’ve tried solo ads and so have many, many other successful affiliates who now experience disgust at the very mention of solo ads. Solo ads are people (hopefully real) on some one else’s email list. Usually they are people looking for quick ways to make money online and they get bombarded with marketing emails about crappy systems every single day.

You Can’t Trust a Word you Hear

Guess what? The guy selling you Cashpoint ATM System is a hired actor. You can see in on the website offering his services.

Here we have a system with all kinds of red flags and elements of a scam. We’ve got misleading information, false claims, a completely fake actor and all the usual sleazy marketing tactics that are used on newbies who believe that money can be made over night at the push of a button.

There are even claims about being able to copy sites as big as Facebook!

The system has been known to be affiliated with a site called The owners stopped hosting it after a long history of angry customers who voiced complaints against the site. It was known to be a promoter of get-rich-quick scams. It was never concerned with delivering real, honest value to it’s customers, hence all the complaints.

How Much Does Cashpoint ATM System Cost?

You can purchase this system for $47.

But if you compare this with the unbelievable claims made in the sales pitch, it is very difficult, if not impossible to take it seriously.

Problems and Red Flags with Cashpoint ATM System

Essentially, I was able to identify 5 issues and red flags with this system:

  • The entire sales pitch is grossly misleading
  • The strategy they talk about really sucks
  • The money claims are ludicrous and false
  • The program was affiliated with a notorious website called
  • The owner hides behind a fake identity

Misleading sales pitch: There’s a lot of fluff about how making all this money is possible through Cashpoint ATM System. But they cannot back this up with any proof. If a program makes claims that it cannot live up to, it should not be trusted. I know for a fact that money doesn’t grow on trees or pop out of imaginary cash machines like Cashpoint ATM.

A strategy that simply won’t work: it can sound believable and enticing. Just use other sites. Copy them. Make what they have your own. Do you really think no one has thought of trying that kind of stuff before? Of course they have and Google is always evolving to weed out any undeserving sites that use shady methods to dominate the SERPs.

Ludicrous, false money claims: It’s true. They actually make me laugh. Guys, you can’t make $200 to $500 per day doing nothing. And you don’t deserve to either while other people are working their bots off to make a living. You definitely can’t make that money consistently without putting in serious, long hours of work on original content creation or running ads which require a lot of skill and practice.

A dark history: The site that this Cashpoint ATM System is affiliated with is dodgy at best. It has a long history of complaints against it and has in fact closed down. But what does that say for Cashpoint ATM System? Don’t put your money in places you don’t trust.

The owner hides behind a fake ID: One red flag after another right? The guy is probably afraid to come out into the open because he knows his product is a load of garbage. The guy who is supposed to own this system is paid to sugarcoat the program and isn’t even the owner at all. He’s just a spokesman from Fiverr.

So Is Cashpoint ATM System a Scam or Can It Make Money?

I think we have enough elements to call Cashpoint ATM System a scam, yes. And no, you most likely won’t make any money for investing in a scammy, dishonest product.

They have some sort of system where they don’t teach you to create your own content or build up your own skills. You are supposed to copy other people, other websites. But that has always been a bad strategy. No one gets rich by trying to ride on the back of other websites. If you copy online content, you will get penalised by Google.

So the claims are false, the strategy doesn’t work and you are giving your money for nothing.

What’s a Legit Way to Make Money Online Then?

As I said earlier, if you are serious about making money online you need two things:

  • Marketing skills
  • Traffic

Probably the best place to go to learn those marketing skills and gradually drive traffic efficiently to your business and make sales is through the training, support and resources at Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is free to test drive for as long as you want. No credit card required.

You can sign up here for free and check it out for yourself.

I strongly recommend it for the quality of the training as well as all the support and tools that you get with it, mostly as a Premium member. Premium membership is $49 a month with no hidden or extra costs.

At Wealthy Affiliate you learn how to really do things properly. How to turn a real passion and interest of yours into a thriving online business.

You won’t hear all this garbage talk about getting rich quick but you will be shown the true way to succeed online by gradually building up a business that will last long term.

I hope this review of Cashpoint ATM System has been an eye-opener for you if you really were wondering whether it could live up to its claims.

Don’t give up on your amazing journey. I hope you’ll look to more serious and legitimate ways to make money on the internet, such as with the Wealthy Affiliate formula that I’ve just briefly shown you.

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